I Have Mastered The Arts

5/24/2014 tringel 0 Comments

It has been a crazy week, but not in the kind of crazy I have expressed in my last few months of posts. It was a good crazy, a whirlwind of emotion and celebration. I am finally done, as I have stated a few times before and this week was the culminating event. I graduated. I can't believe it is actually over. I walked across the stage; my parents and Brenden cheered; I got hooded and celebrated with my family and friends.

The day started bright an early. I headed to the gym perusal and it was pouring out. I could only hope it would be cleared by the ceremony. Just a few hours of sun and I would be a happy girl. The rain stopped by the time I was done working out an hour later and I was feeling hopeful. I headed home to get ready for the big moment. Time moved so quickly: shower, check; hair, check; make up, check; cap, gown and hood, check. Before I knew it, it was 8:30 and we were rushing out the door. Luckily Brenden was kind enough to drive so I could finish painting my toe nails in a last minute decision to wear open toe shoes (the important things, you know).

 We made the trip to Baltimore. I was concerned about the traffic since it was rush hour and the roads were wet from earlier, but the trip ended up being quick and peaceful. The sun was shining bright by the time we got to the Lyric (were the graduation took place) and I went to line up while Brenden went to grab seats for himself and my parents. The next hour was spent talking excitedly to the friends I have made in the last three years in the Publication Design program. It was bitter sweat. We were all excited, happy and proud, but there was also the lingering thought that we would no longer be seeing each other every Tuesday and Thursday. As stressful as classes and projects were, I was always excited to have a reason to see and talk with my friends.

We were lined up alphabetically with other classmates in the Yale Gordon College of Arts and Sciences. We took a lasting group photo of the pub design group and we waited for our moment. We began walking around the building to enter, the day was beautiful. My parents gave me a tight squeeze and snapped some shots as they entered the building to find Brenden. We then excitedly walked into the building and then into the theater to find our seats.

The speeches were caring, humorous, and touching. It was a fantastic ceremony with many wise and kind words. The School of Public Relations walked across the stage. The School of Business walked across stage. Now it was our turn. The entire thing went so fast! Everyone stand. In line we made our way to the stage. Get your picture, hand the card with your name, shake with the right hand grab with the left. "Tracy Nicole Ringel," they called my name, "Master of Arts," it was official, i had done it. I walked cautiously a few steps, hoping I wouldn't trip. I shook hands and received my diploma. I walked a bit more, shook a few more hands, and handed my hood over. I bent down and was officially hooded, with a compliment on my cap decoration. My parents and Brenden were cheering me on from the balcony. Once more picture and down the stage steps back to me seat. When we were all back in the audience we were instructed to move our tassel to the other side. We listened to the alma mater, examined the fortune cookies we all received upon leaving the stage and began the recessional.

It was chaos as we left the theater, but good chaos. Joyful families waiting to unite. I hugged a few friends and found my family where we hugged and took a ton of pictures. We went outside to enjoy the day with more pictures and celebrating. My few hours of sun came through! We then made our way back home where we had a wonderful, celebratory lunch at Cafe de Paris. My parents even surprised me with beautiful flowers (I love flowers!) and a silly card. It was a great way to end the ceremony and festivities. I am so happy and filled with warmth to be done and have so many people in my life who support me and are proud of me. I could not have asked for a better day.

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