The Pursuit Of Happiness - Reborn

A lot of negative things have happened in my life in the past month, but it is time to take charge and continue living. I know the struggles aren't over, but I hope that through this I will be able to see that my journey can continue in great ways.
So to start myself off, today, amongst all my days of sitting and wanting to get out but still sitting, I finally got up and out and went for a run. A real run. The type of run I haven't done in over a month and a half. I ran 4.1 miles in a little under 41 minutes. It wasn't the fastest I have ever run but it was a step in the right direction, and just the fact that I went out and was able to run that far is an accomplishment. I went through a plethora of emotions: feeling good, wanting to stop, feeling sad, wanting to cry, feeling proud, and overall feeling accomplished I did it. I have had a goal to run a half marathon this fall and this was my first step to that goal; now I just have to keep it up.