The Pursuit Of Happiness: 2.35
It was the perfect weather for my 10 mile run this morning - nice and cool and easy to run in - a great confidence boost. But even better than the weather and the fact that I ran my run, was the camaraderie of complete strangers that makes me like this sport even more. I got so many smiles, waves, thumbs-ups and good mornings. Such a small act of kindness goes such a long way, especially when you are trudging along at eight in the morning on a Saturday.To make the day better, I got to hang out and catch up with my friend Stephanie, in the bright, sunny afternoon weather. We walked around the lake and chatted. And, we crashed (but not really, more briefly experienced) the Korean festival, we had no idea would be going on, at one of the entrances of the lake. We got a bunch of free goodies and perused all of the booths, before taking in the gorgeous lake scenery as we walked around it. It was the perfect day for outside exploring.