Words, Copy, Text

9/29/2012 tringel 0 Comments

As soon as we received our show and tell assignment for this week I started thinking of words I enjoy. I am not a word person, and as I searched my mind, I couldn't think of many. Not one word popped into my mind as a favorite. Rather, I was thinking of words that I have and had a tendency to use for a period of time. I suppose the recurring usage means I like the words, even if the phase has come and gone, but I thought this was peculiar; a predisposition to use certain words without a conscious list of favorites. After giving it thought, I don't think it is so strange. Life comes in phases of likes and dislikes: food, art, music, television shows, etc. Why should it be any different with words? Here are words I have enjoyed:

  1. Thus
  2. Hence
  3. Any-who
  4. Word-hole
  5. Loverly
  6. Utopia
  7. Moist
  8. Succinct
  9. Thumb-kin 

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