False Promises

6/17/2013 tringel 0 Comments

Ok, Ok. I know I had a somewhat recent post stating that I was back on the blogging wagon, with an updated look and name for my blog and lots of new ideas. I was back after months of silence. And then what, a few new posts and then nothing. So, I may have been a little misleading - but before you write me off let me explain. I have been in Israel for the last two weeks. Now I know that is just another excuse, but hey, how much blogging would you do if you are in a new country having the experience of a life time?!

So, I do apologize for another length of absence (although not nearly as long), and I hope you enjoy my  upcoming posts recapping my journey through Israel. Here is a little sneak peak.

My first picture of Israel, from the plane ending our 10+ hour flight (© t.ringel | June 4, 2013)

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