Easy Over Scrambled Eggs and Snow Days

12/10/2013 tringel 1 Comments

The view from my window this morning :)
So I lucked out with a snow day today, and I definitely did not take it for granted. So far I laid in bed for an extra hour then I would have been able to if I went into work and when I finally got up I was able to get  a good work out in. I was finally able to have a long overdue webcam date with my friend from college and also get my final project done - the last day of class for the semester is this Thursday! But most importantly, I was able to relax, enjoy some movies in my sweats, spend time with my family and try out some new(ish) recipes.

Adventuring into the winter wonderland
I have been dying to try making the fancy looking Easy Over Scrambled Eggs that I learned about from  my friend from swim team, Cindy. About a week ago I ventured over to her blog where I read about a delicious Thanksgiving leftover potato recipe and where she mentioned said eggs. The pictures looked amazing and as I told her, scrambled eggs and easy over eggs are my two favorite ways to eat eggs, so what would be better then combining them?! People are so creative. She proceeded to give me directions on making them and I proceeded to dream about them until I could try them.

My first attempt at these eggs was this weekend. They were close to perfect but I accidentally broke the yolks at the last minute. The process is pretty simple in theory but I quickly learned they do take some skills. You pretty much heat a skillet with cooking spray, crack the eggs into the skillet, scramble the whites and cook the yolks as you would an over easy egg or even sunny side up (depending how runny you like them). Simple right? Wrong. If you think making over easy eggs are hard, try scrambling egg whites around the delicate yolks you are trying to keep intact (definitely not something you can whip up in the five minutes you have before work, in between brushing your teeth and defrosting your car).

Well today was the day. I found that the key is too use a larger then normal skillet (for the amount of eggs you are preparing - I usually use a small skillet for two eggs, but went with a medium one today) and lots of cooking spray. While I still accidentally broke one of the egg yolks in the middle of scrambling, the second yolk was left in perfect shape. I also added some shredded cheddar cheese into the scrambled part of the eggs because who doesn't love cheese with…well anything? Now I hope I didn't turn you off with my rambling about how these eggs are actually pretty difficult to get right because they are well worth the effort. They are sooo good tasting. Nice and creamy and just yum. And the scrambled eggs kind of soak up the yolk from the over easy so you don't even technically need anything else (like bread) served with it. They are for sure my number one way to prepare eggs now. And as Cindy said, if you do try to make the eggs and they accidentally break, you still have some scrumptious scrambled eggs to eat, so it is really a win-win no matter what. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. Now off to make some chocolate mint chip cookies…stay tuned :)

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1 comment:

  1. Like like like! I'm glad you tried these eggs, they are officially my favorite!
