The Pursuit of Happiness: Week In Review
Saturday (278)It was a social Saturday. Look at me with the alliteration -- thanks Brenden. For a weekend at home, it was busier then I have been in a while. But all of it was lovely. I was happy to have some time in the morning to try out some different hair braids I have been itching to try. Do you know what a dutch braid is? How about a French fishtail or waterfall braid? I do, and I am happy to say I can now braid most of them into my hair. I have been going for some styles based off of The 100, and these braiding skills are key. I am kind of obsessed. Now to have enough time every morning to make these styles work.
I left the house in the morning to head to DC with Jeff V. to get our packets for the DC Bike Ride on Sunday. While we were in DC, I had, had, had to try Buredo, one of the newly trending sushi burrito restaurants. I have been wanting to try this place for months, and it was so, so, so good. Maybe, even better then the one I had in LA, though they were quite different. But either way I was pretty much in heaven. I can't even put it in words. It is probably good it is such a hassle for me to get to the restaurant.
In the afternoon I went to the first ever master's swim team get together. It was a lot of fun, despite the rainy weather keeping us inside. I made an amazing batch of guac to contribute, and I must say I was overly proud that it was the first thing to go. We ate shrimp on the barbie and freshly cooked lobsters from main and a ton of other potluck treats. We hung out and talked and laughed and got to know one another outside of the pool. And, we watch preakness on TV. My first time ever watching a horse race. I don't know if it was really my thin, but hey it only took about 2 minutes of my time. Are you into horse racing? Preakness? Give me your opinion. Is it one of those sports that is better watched live? Or only if you are drinking and betting?
After the swim gathering I headed over to Jeff W.'s apartment, where I hung out with him and Katrina, and Brenden joined us after work. Again we talked and caught up on life (it has been way to long since we last hung out) and played the new(ish) guitar hero.

Sunday (279)
Sunday was just as exhausting as Saturday. For real, when will three day weekends become a real thing? Who wants to make it trendy with me?! I was up early in the morning to head to DC with Jeff V. for the DC Bike Ride. I am definitely glad I did this event; however, I was not glad it was raining the entire ride and we never had room to spread out. It was an experience to say the least.
After a nice hot shower, I went the gym and then spent the afternoon crafting with Lauren and Anna. I began making cards for my handmade envelopes and I cannot wait to send them to their intended recipients. It was great to be able to decompress from the morning and hang out with the girls. I finished the night snuggled up with Brenden, watching redbox movies and coming on so many delicious leftovers.
Monday (280)
Who loves lunch dates? This girl does. Especially when Brenden meets me at work with the best tuna melts ever (from Goldberg's Bagels). It was a lively hour during a monotonous Monday.
Tuesday (281)
Loaded cauliflower pizza day! We took our cauliflower pizza crust recipe and combined it with howsweeteats pizza toppings. It was just phenomenal, a flavor explosion in your mouth. The best part was the honey chipotle chicken. Have you ever heard of broiling chicken? It's our favorite way to prepare it. But the seasonings this time -- off the charts. #obssessed.
Wednesday (282)
Cooking, crafting, and (Disney) Cinderella. Three of my favorite "C's" After work, Lauren and I binged on Paper Source, Michael's and Trader Joe before taking a food break at a sushi place we wanted to try. When I got home I made butternut squash enchiladas with guac (of course), as planned, for Brenden to have some dinner and me to have for lunch. Then I promptly turned on a DVRed Cinderella and got to crafting cards with my new supplies.
Thursday (283)
Packages. And crafting my night away. Omg, I am so in love with my new Minc mini foil machine, and my new way-to-large wash tape collection. I was making cards and foiling all night. Look for yours in the mail. Now my problem is I have so many supplies and not enough occasions. What occasions do you send cards for? Give me all the ideas. Or just let me know if you want a general one. If I have your address, I'll send one your way!
Friday (284)
Chill Fridays are the best. I'm on a crafting roll. Lauren came over to be amazed by my new foiling machine, and Brenden and I made Pad Thai, played guitar hero and tidied up a bit.
How was your week? What were some of your daily highlights? Was it party hoping from one event to the next or getting cozy on the couch after an exhausting day?