The Pursuit of Happiness: Week in Review
Saturday (285)Oh man, racing season is here. On Saturday I took part in the Fort Ritchie Swim Fest. It was the perfect weather for an open water swim event. I chose to compete in all three distance options - 750 meters, 1500 meters, and 2250 meters - making me an official member of the 4500 club when I had finished them all. I went with my friend, Jeff V. who swam in the 1500 meter race and finished right in the middle of the pack. The morning began with the shortest event and worked its way to the longest. I had about 45 minutes in between each race. The water temperature was perfect with my wetsuit on. The water was calm and very easy to sight. Plus, there was barely a current so sighting as often as a typical open water swim was not necessary.

I was thrilled with my results. I did my best sprinting the 750, remember I had two more swims left and ended up placing 8th overall, 5th female, and 1st in my age group. The second swim required us to do two loops of the same swim course. To start the second loop, we had to get out of the water, run a short distance and jump off a dock. I couldn't decide if this was a good "rest" from swimming, or a negative that got me out of my groove. Either way it did not mess me up too bad; I ended up finishing 11th overall, 5th female, and 2nd in my age group. I did learn to hold onto my cap when I jumped into the water for the 2250, as that was the reason it started sliding off at the end of my second race. For the 2250, we had to complete 3 laps, with two short runs and jumps off a dock. I was tired from the first to swims, as technically I was only halfway done, but I got into a rhythm and pushed myself through it. It was nice to have Jeff there. he was cheering between each lap and actually called out my times so i knew how well I was pacing (i was totally oblivious to the large clock they had at the exit of the water. I ended up placing 13th overall in this race, 7th email, and 2nd in my age group. I couldn't have been more pleased.
Sunday (286)
Sunday was a run day. It was my first Striders event of the summer, the All Fruit Relay. Jeff and I decided to sign up for the 4x2 mile race with an awesome team name, "Raisin" for Gold, with a single golden raisin as our baton. Luckily there were two others there who were teamless, so we joined up so that we would only have to run one leg each. On the hot and sticky day, with a lack of running since my half marathon, this was a relief. Jeff took the first leg, coming in right at 15 minutes, an older man (who had just ran a half marathon that morning) took the second leg. He handed off our golden raisin to me, the 3rd leg. It was a hot, tough 2-mile run, but I was thrilled that I got it done in 16:38 (about 8:17 pace). I even passed several people, making up some time. And, I didn't let anyone pass me. I then handed the raisin off to Mark, our final leg, who ran the 2 miles in under 12 minutes! Crazy, I need to train with him! We finished in just under 64 minutes. It was fabulous, and a great way to kick off summer running.
My evening consisted of hanging out with Brenden, Jeff W. and Katrina. They came over and we played Carcassonne and talked and just had a fun, relaxing time.
Monday (287)
Happy Memorial Day! Long weekends should really be every weekend. Don't you think? I was super excited to find that Brenden actually had a holiday off too. After I got back from a morning workout at the gym, Brenden and I spent most of the afternoon shopping and getting things done. Which included hanging up all of the art that has been leaning against walls for a year and a half. OMG I can't tell you how happy this makes me! And it looks so good! That one action made our apartment feel so much homier and cozier. #Love. Do you have any other tips to make an non-permerminent residence feel more homey?
It made me even more excited that I was then able to show off our newly hung art to my friends who came by to craft. I crafted with Lauren, Jenna and Marie. It was awesome to see Marie, who lives out of state, and catch up wth Jenna who just passed her licensing exam!
Tuesday (288)
Running at lunch makes me feel so accomplished. 31 minutes and 3.1 miles in the heat.
Wednesday (289)
Swim. Run, Bike...Flat. I was super proud of myself for getting to swimming and then the first run bike run of the year. I was even pleased with my bike time, that is until my tire went flat. Again. And, I had to walk it the mile back to the transition and end the workout earlier. But I am even more proud of myself for taking initiative to try to figure out what was wrong, and changing my tire all by myself in less then 20 minutes once I got home. Also, there was some amazing guacamole making/eating and package opening to cheer me up before bed. Oh, and hugs from my love.
Thursday (290)
Brenden and Marie and Serge and Lauren and Kristina! And Homeslyce. Nights hanging with my friends are always the best. Oh and delicious food with free pizza makes it even better.
Friday (291)
Friyay. It started out great, with a morning swim with the Master's team. It end chill, with movies on the couch.
How was your week? What were some of your daily highlights? Are you training for any races or just enjoying the nice weather (finally)? Did you spend time with friends and family or cozying up on the couch with a good book or TV show?