Letters or Objects?

10/23/2012 tringel 2 Comments

As I was browsing the internet the other day, I came upon posters designed by Tom Davie. Davie finds innovative ways to expose and display typefaces. His collections are unique and focus on typefaces to grids to illustrations. All of his work can be viewed and even purchased at his website. Below are some of his type focused designs that I find intriguing.
Simply Grotesk
Heavy Metal
Historical Polarity
American Typewriter
Neue Helvetica

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  1. Simply stunning! I want the pancake poster! I love type, pancakes, and my name starts with "S"--win, win, win. :)

  2. Haha I totally agree. The pancakes were my favorite too. It is what originally drew my attention. I also think the American typewriter poster is clever, using a more modern typeface on a less modern typing instrument.
