Was that necessary?

10/20/2012 tringel 2 Comments

During class I heard Amy and Stephanie say that we should have had a show and tell to give examples of unnecessary instructions. Although we were not actually assigned this, I happened to be perusing an app I have called ifunny and came across this image. While they are not all instructions per-say, they do all have unnecessary words, and I thought it would be fun to post. The first image, the pizza box image, and the unlock door sign would qualify as an instruction that is not needed. The rest are all just unnecessary information.

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  1. These are fun--I really like the pizza box and the "no signs" examples. I have to disagree about the fire example, though. I think a sign directing you to push a button to call for help is a necesary instruction--perhaps you were referring to the part to yell? ;)

  2. Haha yes. I like the sidewalk ends sign. I would probably be that person not paying attention though, and walk right into it. Therefore making it necessary so i don't fall in the grass? Maybe?
