Vitamin Water

10/28/2012 tringel 1 Comments

When we were told to find an example of storying telling my mind automatically went to products that use the art of story telling to attract people to their brand. I eat a lot of bars such as cliff bars, kind bars, larabars, etc. and I know they put blurbs describing their products in an interesting way, rather then spewing out fact after fact, to compel people to buy them and make there packaging fun. However, after rereading a few of them, I don't know if they would actually be considered a story.  I then thought about Glaceau Vitamin Water. They put a different story on each flavor of water. The story is a fun, quick read that ties in elements of each flavor. Here are a few examples:

Revive (Fruit Punch)

If you woke up tired, you probably need more sleep. If you woke up drooling at your desk, you probably need a new job. If you woke up with a headache, on a ferris wheel at the Idaho state fair, wearing a toga, you probably need answers, not to mention this product. Its got potassium and B vitamins to help you recover and feel refreshed - kinda like those in old Irish Spring soap commercials. An if your like our boss, Mike, and woke up married to an Elvis impersonator, you probably need a lawyer.

XXX (Acai-Blueberry-Pomegrante)

C'mon, get your mind out of the gutter. We only names this drink XXX because it has the power of triple antioxidents to help keep you healthy and fight free radicals. So in case you're wondering, this does not cost $1.99/minute or contain explicit adult content or anyting considered 'uncensored'. It has not 'gone wild!!!' during spring break nor will clips of it be passed around the internet like a certain hotel heiress, and it has never been seen live or nude, but it is definitely au natural.

Power-C (Dragonfruit)

Legally we are prohibited from making exaggerated claims about the potency or the nutrients in this bottle. Therefore, legally we wouldn't tell you that after drinking this, Eugene from Kansas started using horseshoes as a thigh-master or that this drink gave Agnes from Delaware enough strength to bench press llamas. Heck we can't even tell you think drink gives you the power to do a thousand pinkie pushups...just ask Mike in Queens. Legally, we can't say stuff like that cause that would be wrong, you know?

And of course my favorite (to the left) is about synchronized swimming. Sadly the lemonade label has been changed since, but we made it (even if it was a brief period of time)!

To view them all click here, and then click the flavors of your choice. Which one if your favorite?

Again, after reading these more closely, I realized like the bars, they probably are not technically classified as stories. I don't exactly know what they are classified as; perhaps just comical descriptions and sentences juxtaposed together to make the telling of the product more interesting, as well as a way to market the brand in a fun way. I know I do not actually like vitamin water, but if I were to choose a vitamin water to buy it would be this brand, for the snippet. Just as I buy Snapple for the Snapple Facts. So, I guess this is not actually a story show in tell, but I thought it would still be something fun to share (especially since we have our packaging project coming up).

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1 comment:

  1. These are great! I love the synchronized swimming "story". I have a soft spot for quirky advertising. I would definitely categorize these as stories--they are like small anecdotes.
