The Pursuit Of Happiness: Week In Review
It was a very merry, magical Harry Potter evening. Lauren hosted a Harry Potter Party (eek!). Are you surprised? It was so magnificent though, or should I say magical. She really went all out. There were Herbology, Potions, and Divination stations; the Great Hall; Diagon Alley and Honeydukes. And even an "out of order" bathroom with Moaning Mertle. Her decoration really were on point. Plus we had surprise guest appearances from Professor Trelawny and Headmaster Dumbledore. And, of course the food and friends were perfect. It was great hanging out and spending a night pretending we were in a world of magic.Sunday
Nothing overly spectacular happened today, which is sometimes just what the doctor orders. It was spent prepping breakfast and meal ideas for the week and thanks to Brenden, getting addicted to my newest show to binge on Netflix, How I Met Your Mother. It is the perfect turn-your-brain-off kind of show.
Yay Laura! She is still in town and I got to spend time with her again! We met for a sushi dinner, So good. But it was just so wonderful to get to talk face to face about everything.
Packed and ready to go see Geri and NYC for the weekend.
How was your week? What were some of your daily highlights? Did you do anything positive? Have you cooked anything scrumptious lately?
Yay Laura! She is still in town and I got to spend time with her again! We met for a sushi dinner, So good. But it was just so wonderful to get to talk face to face about everything.

Taco (salad) Tuesday with Cyrus. Oh and being told by a relative that I am "very much my father's daughter" by a relative in a positive way.
Eek, another dinner with Laura(!), and Rachel(!) and Brenden(!). And guess where we went. Sushi, you are shocked I'm sure. It was so good to again catch up and laugh doing all of our reminiscing, and hear about Rachel's proposal. it was a lovely evening.
Lauren and I made smokey tomato lentils and sweet potatoes with caramelized shallots. It was fun to cook with her and even more fun to eat way to much of everything with her because it tasted so good.
Packed and ready to go see Geri and NYC for the weekend.
How was your week? What were some of your daily highlights? Did you do anything positive? Have you cooked anything scrumptious lately?