Apps for sale

10/14/2012 tringel 5 Comments

When thinking of apps that I find interesting I instantly go to the ones that I use most often. After all, why wold I use them if I did not find them interesting. Unfortunately, I am limited to my choices of rather unique apps because I am a poor graduate student who refuses to pay more then $.99 for an app, and even that's pushing it. I think 90% of my apps are fee. With that said here are my top ten favorites (in no particular order):

1. Weather
2. Facebook
3. Couch to 5K (and couch to 10K)
4. Run Kepper (however I don't have wifi on my itouch so I can only use it when my boyfriend is around and lets me steal his iPhone)
5. Xfinity
6. Instagram
7. Tweetcaster
8. Postsecret (which has sadly been discontinued)
9. FML
10. Words With Friends

I am sure there are many more interesting apps out there. But I will have to wait until this degree finds me a magnificent job before pondering across those apps.

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  1. Haha I know. I look at that site every week, so this was one of the few apps I actually paid for, but they stopped the app. They said it was promoting to much negativity and people weren't using it for its purposes and it was turning into something they did not like. It is interesting though because although no one new can purchase and use the app, if you already have it you can still post and use it. It is like a secret society of posters because the posts get put in certain spots that aren't as visible easy to find unlike when the app was running and they had a daily, weekly, monthly, and favorite page. Now you use the map they have to look up new secrets from each area. (I hope I explained it correctly because it is pretty neat, that it has been kept alive even though the creators disabled it).

    I wonder to if we will be. Gotta keep the trend going :)

  2. I really want to see your "PostSecret" app--I've never heard of it before. Of your list, I have and use: Weather, Facebook, Couch to 5K (okay, I only made it through day three but that is because I'm afraid of running on the treadmill and don't have any time to try running outside), Instagram, and Words with Friends (I'm an addict if you are looking for a new player. I play with Rich and Hong).

    Have you ever tried Touch of Color? It is like cheap Photoshop and while not great, it is fun for posting phone pictures.

    Lastly, I love your new banner! I think you should give your swimmer girl (you) a face.

  3. Remind me in class and I will be glad to show you "PostSecret." Have you ever been to the website? I too was afraid of the treadmill at first but I've gotten used to it, though I haven't been one one in a while. But I used to hold on with a death grip and not let go the entire time. I still put the safety clip on in case my legs give out (I'm probably the only one in the whole gym who does that haha but better safe then sorry). I would love to play words with friends. I'll give you my user name in class! I have not tried Touch of color, nor have I heard of it. But I will defiantly be looking it up. It sound fun!

    Thanks for commenting on my banner. I do want to add a face. She looks kind like an alien now I feel. But I figured it could be a progression, since they want us to develop the blog over time anyways. Thanks for noticing and the compliment. :)

  4. Sounds like we can have an app show and tell--remind me to show you Touch of Color. Yippee--more Words with Friends, friends! I tyically have 8 games going on at once--I can see why Alec Baldwin was so addicted that he got kicked off his plan.

    Right you are about the blog progression--however, don't you wonder how they will know what we changed? They don't pay attention to them that much in class so when they go into grade them, how will they know everything we've improved? I still need to add a non-template background to my blog. Maybe I'll create an illustration--I've been having fun in Illustrator lately. Or maybe I'll just put "Type Steph" on there--our self-portrait from typography class. I think mine looks uncanninly like me. :)

    1. Haha definitely! I never new that about Alec Baldwin; that is crazy.

      Yes, I was wondering that too. I wonder if they are secretly looking at them sporadically throughout the week? I was wondering how they will know how many we comment on too because I know they have a requirement for that each week as well. Perhaps they can see as I type right now? That would be spooky!

      I have been having fun with illustrator too. I was very nervous when I new I would have to do that for the cards, but now I want to illustrate every project so I can get better and learn more. "Type Steph" would be neat too. That project was intense but I love the finished results. I even made mine my FB pic for a while.
