Put It In Perspective

7/04/2013 tringel 0 Comments

I have finished the story of my journey through Israel. This post seems kind of anticlimactic compared to the past 10, but not everyday can be an adventure. I hope you have enjoyed reading my blog so far and continue to do so. I don't have a set schedule of topics I will be posting about...as of now, who knows what the future has in store. But for now, I hope you will enjoy reading and looking at a lot of design and art I find throughout my life and the internet, a few posts about my life, and maybe even some food.

Today's post is quite short and simple; the image speaks for itself. 

I saw this image and fell in love with it. I think it is great; it pretty much sums up life and is something everyone should remember and keep in mind. Do you have any experiences where this scenario comes into play? I am sure if you do, if you think about it hard enough.

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