The Pursuit Of Happiness: Week In Review
Saturday (299)What an event (read: full day process of trial and error and experimenting) ravioli making can be. About six months ago, my cousin Rachel and I both bought kitchenmaid attachment ravioli makers on super sale to make our homemade pasta making more creative and easy. Fast forward to this week. Both of our attachments were still sitting pretty and untouched in the unopened box they came in. Each time I walk into my kitchen, it stares at me. And, thus I was determined to use it. So I invited Rachel over to finally make us of one of our ravioli attachments. And it worked...okay. But the overall result was fantastic.
We decided to make butternut squash & gorgonzola ravioli, using homemade pasta dough. In the end it was good life choice, but we had some extreme doubts as we went through the process. Unbelievably, it has been almost a year since I last made homemade pasta, so my dough making game was a bit off. Rachel and I had to make two batches of dough before we got it right (note to self: mixing all of the different excess flours you have leftover in your pantry is not always the smartest of ideas). Our good batch use pasta flour, solely.
It's also good to read the recipe and directions a few times before beginning the process. We started at 4 pm thinking it would be ready in time for dinner. Little did we know, our dinner that night would be at 9:30 pm. Maybe this means I should move to Spain, that's how they do it over there I'm told, and could go for siestas everyday. Since we didn't pre-read the recipe, we didn't pick the best order to do things, leaving us waiting for our dough to rest for at least 30 minutes at the same time we just put our butternut squash in the oven to roast for 45 minutes.
Once the squash was roasted and cooled, the filling came together as easy as "1, 2, 3," leaving us to roll out our rested pasta dough...with no rolling pin (I had forgotten ours cracked, leaving it for the trash a month or so ago). We made quick use of a wine bottle and the pasta roller attachments as we tried for form our dough into perfect sheets. Then came the trial and error with the ravioli attachment. Once we figured it our, it was actually quite mesmerizing to watch the little ravioli pockets get filled and formed. Again, we didn't read where it said to let the ravioli dry out a bit before separating. At this point we decided to take a dog break -- I had to go visit the dog I was dog sitting for, and Rachel her own dog.
When we reconvened, at now 8 pm, we were feeling hopeful and hungry. I got to work filling the rest of our pasta dough. We then worked on the sauce and boiled water to cook the ravioli as the pasta dried a bit more. I excitedly went to separate the ravioli, and rip. They were not tearing on the perforation; the filling was squeezing out; this was going to be a long delicate process. And now, it was already after 9 pm. We used some quick thinking and whipped out the pizza cutter, making quick, swift cuts between each ravioli. They didn't have the pretty zigzagged edges they were supposed to, but they were whole ravioli and it wasted less dough. Drop into the boiling water, add three minutes later (read five hours later in actuality) we had warm, fresh, homemade ravioli with homemade filling and homemade sauce. And, omg was it good. All of the flavors went together so much more perfectly then I even imagined. And it made a ton of ravioli! Sitting, devouring my plate of ravioli at 9:30 pm made the those 5+ hours of hard work totally worth. Plus I can't complain about the company; really the ravioli turning out well was just a bonus.
Sunday (300)
Happy Shavuot all. How did you spend your holiday? Mine was spent working out and then surrounded by ice cream. Literally. I was happy to get in a six mile run on the treadmill followed by some weights with my trainer. Then, I had just a bit of time to relax before the ice cream extravaganza, also known as Shavuot Scoop at BHC. Every year for Shavuot we have a fun get together, where we give out free ice cream to go with the tradition of eating dairy on this holiday. The past few years, my supervisor has gotten volunteers to dress up in ice cream cone costumes and hand out flyers. Well guess who those lucky people were this year. Me. Me and Lauren. It was actually quite fun. I jazzed up the traditional costume with sprinkles from my halloween costume (side note: think I can now officially book part time gigs as a professional ice cream), and a name tag that read "Hello, I'm an ice cream cone." We mingled and met people, handed out flyers and had some fun. Oh and we ate some ice cream of course -- the toppings were the best part.
Monday (301)
I'm pretty proud of myself every time I make it to a 5:30 am swim practice. But on days when we are outdoors and the sunrise looks like magic, it makes me feel that much more appreciative of what I have and my day that much more wonderful.
Tuesday (302)
The one-mile runs are back! Last year we were sad to learn that after 37 years, Arlene was going to be done hosting the one mile fun runs she held in the summer. We didn't know what would come of this summer, so we were super excited when we learned that someone had picked up the series. It is in the same neighborhood, but it is a new course. It seems just as hilly, though -- I may like it even better. I decided to do this run just to run, not necessarily get a PR but see the course and know I had gotten out there. I was so happily surprised when the clock was just turning to 7:32 as I crossed the finish line. A fast start for me at the beginning of the season on a new course. Just another reason to feel good and proud of myself. And, my mom came too, finishing right around 15 minutes. I'm proud of her for getting out there and wanting to do the run all on her own.
Wednesday (303)
Another great day of workouts. I'm really getting back in the groove with my morning swims, and it makes me so happy. After work, I made it to the run bike run and I was so pleased with how I did. I guess I was really feeling it. I averaged 8:45 on the first run and 9:00 on the second run and I think somewhere around 16 mph for the bike. Oh, and, big deal for me, I took a drink of my water bottle while riding. It was slightly terrifying but I did it. I think I can, I think I can -- one small step at a time. Happy me, proud me.
Thursday (304)
Officially got Brenden addicted to UnREAL. Woo!!
Friday (305)
It's Friyay and I'm happy for the weekend! Also, yet another nice morning swim with the masters. And, a good 3 mile run at the first summer XC series of the year. Happy with my times.
How was your week? What were some of your daily highlights? Did you try a new recipe? Set a PR? Or just get up and out for something fun you wanted to do?
Monday (301)
I'm pretty proud of myself every time I make it to a 5:30 am swim practice. But on days when we are outdoors and the sunrise looks like magic, it makes me feel that much more appreciative of what I have and my day that much more wonderful.
Tuesday (302)
The one-mile runs are back! Last year we were sad to learn that after 37 years, Arlene was going to be done hosting the one mile fun runs she held in the summer. We didn't know what would come of this summer, so we were super excited when we learned that someone had picked up the series. It is in the same neighborhood, but it is a new course. It seems just as hilly, though -- I may like it even better. I decided to do this run just to run, not necessarily get a PR but see the course and know I had gotten out there. I was so happily surprised when the clock was just turning to 7:32 as I crossed the finish line. A fast start for me at the beginning of the season on a new course. Just another reason to feel good and proud of myself. And, my mom came too, finishing right around 15 minutes. I'm proud of her for getting out there and wanting to do the run all on her own.

Another great day of workouts. I'm really getting back in the groove with my morning swims, and it makes me so happy. After work, I made it to the run bike run and I was so pleased with how I did. I guess I was really feeling it. I averaged 8:45 on the first run and 9:00 on the second run and I think somewhere around 16 mph for the bike. Oh, and, big deal for me, I took a drink of my water bottle while riding. It was slightly terrifying but I did it. I think I can, I think I can -- one small step at a time. Happy me, proud me.
Thursday (304)
Officially got Brenden addicted to UnREAL. Woo!!
Friday (305)
It's Friyay and I'm happy for the weekend! Also, yet another nice morning swim with the masters. And, a good 3 mile run at the first summer XC series of the year. Happy with my times.
How was your week? What were some of your daily highlights? Did you try a new recipe? Set a PR? Or just get up and out for something fun you wanted to do?