A Hobby or A Part of Life?

11/05/2012 tringel 3 Comments

Synchronized swimming was of course the first thing to pop into my mind when we recieved our final assignment. I think that this will be a great topic (and not jus because i like it). I think that there is a lot for people to learn about the sport, and it is not just a sport but a hobby. There are many teams that do synchronized swimming recreationally instead of competitively, and of course no matter what the teams goals are, everyone is on the team because they enjoy it, qualifying it as a hobby.

Then there is the aspect of watching synchronized swimming. There are even more people out there who don't partake in synchronized swimming, nor do they no much about it, but claim they always watch it in the olympics. Would the watching of the sport not qualify as a hobby in itself?

I think there are many angles I could take in this topic, and I hope I can step far enough back to write an article about synchronized swimming as a hobby and not just a die hard fan (that is if it is chosen). I am thinking about including a timeline of the evolution of synchronized swimming, basic moves, upcoming competitions, and perhaps teams you can join as sidebars, and I would of course include interesting pictures of people doing synchronized swimming. However, I haven't quite figured out what my main article would focus on. if you guys have any suggestions or input about what you would like to know about synchronized swimming please let me know!

I originally thought I would choose the USA Synchronized Swimming Magazine as my source for the article. After thinking about it I wondered, why would I an article explaining synchronized swimming in a magazine that only synchronized swimmers and coaches read? They have already fallen in love with the sport and probably know just about everything. It is a very small sport; almost everyone knows everyone and everything. In a way it is the high school of the sport world.

I am now leaning toward putting the article in Sports Illustrated. The only problem is I am not too familiar with this publication. I assume that they focus on more popular sports like football, baseball, soccer, etc. I assume they do occasional features on less known sports, so why not make synchronized swimming on of them.

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  1. Hi, Tracy. As someone who knows nothing about sychronized swimming (I'm lucky if I can sychronize my watch), I would be interested in reading an article that focused on the physical aspects of this SPORT--I think a lot of people don't consider it a sport or athletic. This may be because when it started, the focus was just on how the women looked--or maybe I just think that from the images that were portrayed? I don't know--in my head, all I can picture are dolled up girls from the 50s. What do you think of that angle? Is that a picture of you??

  2. Thanks Stephanie! That is a great idea to narrow the topic down, and it would easily incorporate my timeline idea. You are right, many people do not know to much about synchronized swimming. They know what they have seen on the Olympics (if they have seen anything), but most think of Easter Williams, who began the big fad. It was simple and about looking pretty and poised, but the sport has evolved so much since then. The sport has evolved tremendously just from when I was competing in middle school to college. And no, unfortunately that it is not me. i believe those are two national teams. Maybe I will dig up some of my old pictures and post them. Did you find the video I posted on my blog?

  3. I just found it--that is really great! I would love to see some photos since your video was difficult to see clearly. I am especailly interested in seeing swimsuit designs because of your app (and because I love all things glittery, shimmery, and sparkly--you can't tell from my appearance, as I like to keep a low profile). ;)
