Sharp Suits

11/08/2012 tringel 5 Comments

I am sure we have all been there; the frustration of receiving comments about our designs that we do not like, do not agree with, or do not understand. Sharp Suits is displaying a variety of posters that Ireland's creative community has come together to make. These posters take phrases and critiques that most find irritating and give them an interesting spin. Below are a bunch of my favorites. Visit the website to view them all and read a bit more about the exhibit.

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  1. These posters are great! It defintly shows a designers frustration in a fun way.

  2. These are great! I've never seen classic complaints visualized that way. Yet another bullet on my "Things I Wish I'd Thought Of" list.

  3. Haha! I love these. Really. So true.

  4. These are so well designed, too. Oh the layers of irony. Where do you find such interesting posts?

    1. I am glad you find my post interesting. My boss actually sent me the link for this website the other day. My other post are just random findings on the internet. I am pretty addicted to interest, and there is an app called ifunny that sometimes has usable posts. ifunny is mostly for entertainment though.
