Date Night Dinners and A Lot of Christmas Treats

12/27/2013 tringel 0 Comments

Our date night dinner this week ended up turning into a crazed baking session. But what can you expect with the Holiday season closing in this past week - good thing we were invited to a few holiday parties, planned for left overs, and chose to save for a meal out "just in case." Typically, I would feel like we fell down on the job and let you down with this date night dinner post, but I really don't think you will be disappointed. Although you technically are not getting a dinner, you could totally make a three course meal out of these delectable treats (note: they do not correspond to a well balanced diet).

We began the night by venturing out of our comfort zone. We wanted to try something new and not doused in chocolate for once, so this year we began by making a Christmas inspired shortbread as well as tackling a bourbon caramel sauce. These were two foods we had never tried making before. But we figured they looked simple enough, and the receivers of these treats would be very happy if they turned out as planned. And if the recipes didn't turn out, at least Brenden's family would get some crafty, decorated mason jars for storing their creations and concoctions (like pickles or mac salad *wink,wink*) for us to enjoy when we visited next - a win/win if I say so.

While both recipes could use a round two for minor adjustments and perfecting, they turned out pretty darn good. We were worried the shortbread was going to be too bland and not hold together, but when we tested the finished product, it had just the right amount of sweetness. Each bite was soft with a touch of crunch and no crumbly after affect. As for the caramel, it did not brown as much as we had hoped, but after cooling, it was the perfect consistency for drizzling over ice cream or other treats of your desire, and the flavor was spot on. The bourbon was not too strong but it was also not overwhelmed by sweetness.

And, it didn't stop there. Once the shortbread and caramel were complete and cooling we decided to make some oldies but goodies. We whipped up a small batch of peanut butter balls. We discovered the secret to making them is to freeze (for a long time!) the peanut butter mixture before and after rolling the it into balls. This helps everything form more easily and stay together when being dunked into the warm chocolate.

Then we finished with my staple, Chocolate Covered Matzoh. Brenden's family loves it (well everyone does). This is the one food item I will claim I make better then anyone else, ANYONE. And this is where the disappointment might set in because I will not be sharing this recipe. I have been making it since I was a kid and I hold it true and dear, close to my heart. Only a few of my closest friends have gotten the secret out of me. And not to toot my own horn, but even though they may follow my recipe and directions it still lacks the amazing joy you get when taking that first bite of a piece of "Tracy's Famous Chocolate Matzoh." Yum - now why didn't I make extra, I am getting hungry. Batch two here I come!

Recipe adapted from, Shortbread Bites

  • 1.25 cups all purpose flour
  • 4 TBSP sugar
  • 1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, cold and cut into pieces
  • Red and green sprinkles as desired (feel free to change the colors based on the holiday or occasion)
  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
  2. In a food processor, with the knife blade attached, pulse the flour and sugar until will combined.
  3. Add butter and pulse until dough begins to form.
  4. Place dough in a medium bowl.
  5. Gently knead in the sprinkles with your hands until evenly blend and a dough ball forms.
  6. On a lightly floured piece of parchment paper, pat dought into a rectangle, about half an inch thick throughout.
  7. Freeze for 15 minutes.
  8. Remove dough from freezer and cut into 1/2 inch squares.
  9. Place squares on a cookie sheet, about 1/2 inch apart (they do not spread or rise much).
  10. Bake cookies for 19-21 minutes or until lightly browned on the bottom.
  11. Flip shortbread bites and cook for another 2 minutes.
  12. Remove from oven and let cool.
  13. Taste, package, and enjoy.

Bourbon Caramel Sauce
Recipe adapted from, Salty Caramel Bourbon Sauce


  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 5 tablespoons bourbon, divided
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • 6 TBSP unsalted butter, room temperature and cut into six cubes
  • 1/2 tsp kosher salt
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  1. In a small sauce pot, on medium-low, heat the sugar and 4 TBSP of the bourborn, stirring constantly until the sugar dissolves and the mixture becomes smooth.
  2. Increase heat to medium and stop stirring.
  3. Wait for the mixture to come to a boil.
  4. When it begins to boil, continue the boil for 6-8 minutes, swirling the pot every 30 seconds and scraping the sides of the pot to prevent the sugar from sticking to the sides and crystalizing.
  5. When the mixture is thick, remove from heat.
  6. Add the heavy cream slowly,whisking constantly (mixture should bubble).
  7. Next add the butter and salt.
  8. When everything is well combined stop whisking.
  9. Let the mixture cool for at least 5 minutes.
  10. Stir in vanilla extract and the final TBSP of bourbon.
  11. Let the caramel cool longer and transfer into a container of your choice.
  12. Refrigerate for a few ours to allow sauce to thicken.
  13. Use when desired by drizzling with a spoon on to ice cream, cakes, brownies, cookies and more (anything you can imagine really).

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