The Pursuit Of Happiness: Week in Review
SaturdayWhoop, whoop another triathlon complete. The Dewey Triathlon was the perfect weather and temperature. Rachel and I killed it. I got third in our age group and Rachel got seventh. We spent the rest of the day hanging out, eating a delicious breakfast and laying on the beach. The my mom and I hit the outlets and headed home to meet Rachel for my moms "38th" anniversary dinner at Clydes.

Geri was in town, sort of. I was super excited to be able to meet her where she was staying at the national harbor. We had a great meal with her friend and then headed off to explore a craft show in Old Alexandria.

Injuries suck. But laying in the hammock to recover could be worse. Oh, and I got a new note 7, again. This one shouldn't explode.
PBJ cookie sandwiches for the win.
Sushi with Keia was delicious. We met at RA to catch up and eat, eat, eat.
Homemade bbq bean burgers with Brenden. They are going on the weekly rotation for sure.

The Laurens and I hit up a new sushi place during lunch at work. It was fun to get out, try food, and just chat. Then, Brenden's Dad and Lisa made it down to Maryland. It was great to see them and be able to hang out for the evening.
How was your week? What were some of your daily highlights? Did you do any races? Have you tried any new and interesting recipes? Are you ready for fall?