The story of Sandy

10/30/2012 tringel 1 Comments

I have been thinking about different kinds of stories and story telling for the last week and a half for a good post for our show and tell. While I have been referencing books, and movies, and labels, it just hit me - the news. What could be more of a story then what we just lived through. Current events make great stories. Stories that get the hype up, make everyone nervous, become history.  During these stories we are attached to our television, newspapers, computers, waiting for the next portion to come. The stories could last a days, weeks, even months as we wonder, what will come next, who will be affected, how long will it last, why is it happening? Even in the aftermath people look to the news for more, for a closure to the story.

Hurricane Sandy definitely did just that. The large story has been developing for almost a week now, when we first became aware of this "Frankenstorm" that was on its way to the east coast. Stories continued, and became greater in frequency as the storm edged closer. Complete coverage was aired and updated throughout the storm. And now information about the aftermath, the damage, and the recovery process are beginning to appear.

Here are few stories due to Hurricane Sandy:


Hurricane Sandy: Superstorm Could Affect 60 Million People

Hurricane Sandy blows up's Traffic


Hurricane Sandy: Fake Pictures, Memes, Social Media Reaction


Sandy: Five Latest Developments

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