Packaging is Key

11/16/2012 tringel 0 Comments

As I was looking for packaging inspiration for my "Bagel Buddy," and information on what elements are typically included on product packages, I came across these. Below is a set of lunch box packaging. I find the actual package to be a fun shape, perfect for a diagonally cut sandwich. I think the design is both simple and clean as well as attractive and interesting. But that is not what made me fall in love with the design. It was the inside. As you can see below, when you open up the package, a table setting is illustrated. I think this is amazing. I wish I had come up with this. Each inside is meant to match the wording on the outside of the package. Can you figure out which goes with which?
This just goes to show that all elements of the package really do matter. Here are some more interesting packaging designs.

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