Photographic Stories

11/12/2012 tringel 2 Comments

I ran across this series of images the other day. These images clearly tell a story photograph by photograph without using any text. This reminded me of the exercise we completed in class after reading Picture This by Molly Bang. Although it is not exactly the same, we can the emotions of the subjects just by the simple facial drawings, colors and perspectives.

I then realized that my photography assignment is to do something similar to this as well. We are supposed to take a series of 4-8 photographs that tell a story about the area we live. This story my not be as clear because we are capturing more complex shapes and putting them to together in an abstract way, there should still be a connection. The images should unite to allow the viewer to get a sense of what the area is like and the people who live there just from viewing the images. Here was my try at this, do you see a story?

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  1. Great images--the story is a bit hard for me to discern, but here is a guess: the area you live in is wooded, dark, and shrouded. People like things tidy and even though their is a loner sense to these photos, the pop of color in the green leaf speaks of friendliness. Please share your intended story.

  2. That is actually a great interpretation, you probably told it better then I can haha. But you were pretty much on key. I tried to portray a heavily wooded area that always seems darker when you look outside then it actually is when you step into the world. No matter how hard we try we can't keep up with tidying the leaves. (I actually found these bags in my neighbors backyard as I was walking around. They already had about 20 bags out front for the garbage men). And finally, while we are friendly to each other and try to create a fun community with community gatherings, it never quite happens. Our bench stays abandoned and besides the friendly hellos when passing at the mail box, there is not much connection like when I was younger and there were tons of kids my ages. I am the only post college still living at home. Joy, ha. :)
