The Pursuit Of Happiness: Week In Review
Saturday (341)Another day spent on the water, dodging the rain. We actually totally lucked out and had only about 5 minutes of rain while on the water in Georgetown. It was actually quite refreshing and and a bit fun paddling in the rain. We paddleboarded down the river and then we relaxed and took in the scenery. Lunch after was falafel and shawarma in a small little nook with interesting conversation from the owner and chef, who is from Palenstine. Then there were cupcakes, cookies and pie before more water time. We took an unexpected drive a few mile down the road to a second boating location and found ourselves peddling down the canal on hydrobikes(!). They were even more magical then I expected. It was perfect.

Cooking. With my cousin Rachel. And then Lauren and Anna joined. And then Brenden made it just as we started eating. It was cheery and it was yummy. We made lasagna and halva. Our last cooking extravaganza was just that, an extravaganza. We wanted to make sure our dinner would be ready before 10 pm and in less then 6 hours, so we scaled it back a bit. For our lasagna we bought the "fresh" noodles and chose a pretty self-explanatory recipe. It all tasted so delicious, but next time I think we will find our perfect middle ground for making dinner.
This time dessert was the experiment. We made halva. For the first time. And it was so great. Amazing. Really. I am so excited to try again. The process takes a bit of precision, but is relatively simple an short in steps. And it is totally customizable. We enhanced ours with rosebuds and almonds. Oh, man this is gonna be gone in about three seconds. Next time I would use less sugar, or more tahini (more tahini, more halva), and I would mix it a bit less. But for our first try; it was a hit!
Monday (343)
I'm starting to train, again. No more excuses of the days being to hot, if I want to do the races I want to do (what a sentence, I know). Who else has a five degree range of acceptable training weather? It's such a problem, I know.
I am now officially signed up for the Balti-moron-athon and I need to get my butt in gear. I did a nice (read: lungs burning, body melting) 5k to get things started. And it felt great, at least the being active and able to run part.
I'm starting to train, again. No more excuses of the days being to hot, if I want to do the races I want to do (what a sentence, I know). Who else has a five degree range of acceptable training weather? It's such a problem, I know.
I am now officially signed up for the Balti-moron-athon and I need to get my butt in gear. I did a nice (read: lungs burning, body melting) 5k to get things started. And it felt great, at least the being active and able to run part.
Tuesday (344)
Celebrating National Ice Cream Sandwich Day the right way. A good workout at the gym, followed by a binge of my favorite mint oreo ice cream sandwich. What flavor did you choose?
Wednesday (345)
Napping is the best. Remember when we were little kids and wanted nothing to do with sleep? How naive were we? I took a nice long nap after work, and I woke up to Brenden coming home early. Which meant a relaxing evening spending time together and catching up.
Thursday (346)
Running and cooking and cooking and running. Okay just the one run, but a lot of cooking and meal prep for the rest of the week and weekend. Roasted veggies and bbq shrimp avocado toast. Mmmm.